Litchfield Dental Dental Blog

Professional In-Office Teeth Whitening | Litchfield MN

Proper brushing and flossing every day can help to keep your smile bright and breath fresh. Factors such as aging, consuming colored foods and drinks, and lifestyle habits such as chewing or smoking tobacco products can cause your teeth to discolor and get darker. 

Fortunately, there are several options for teeth whitening to help improve the shade of your teeth and maintain the shade with follow up treatments as recommended by the dentist. Before treatment, the dentist will examine your teeth to establish the cause and severity of the discoloration, and then propose various whitening options that will be most suitable for your case to ensure that you get the desired results and the smile of your teeth. The results may fade with time depending on your diet, age, and lifestyle choices, so subsequent treatments may be necessary to maintain a white smile. 

Good Candidates for Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is most effective on surface stains, and while anyone from the age of 10 years and above can be a good candidate for bleaching, there are a few cases when your dentist may prevent you from proceeding with the treatment. These include: 

  • Tooth and gum sensitivity – Sensitivities may disqualify you from using certain whitening techniques 
  • The natural color of your teeth – Intrinsic stains are harder to bleach compared to extrinsic stains
  • The presence of crowns, fillings, bridges, or veneers – These do not bleach the same as natural teeth, which means that you may have to replace them after whitening your teeth to achieve a uniform look 
  • Exposed roots – These surfaces are harder to whiten effectively compared to tooth enamel, which means that you may have to consider alternative methods. 

Your dentist will assess your teeth and mouth during your first visit to determine your suitability. 

Final Note 

Teeth whitening is not permanent, and people who expose their teeth to tobacco products and colored foods and beverages that cause staining may realize faster fading of the results. The more you exercise proper oral hygiene after bleaching, the longer you will stay without requiring touch-up whitening treatment. 

Please contact your dentist to discuss ways to improve your smile with teeth whitening.

Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment in Litchfield MN

Everybody desires a beautiful smile. This not only refers to having the perfect shape and size of teeth that makes your smile appear beautiful and healthy, but also the color. If you’re planning to bleach your teeth, then you need to choose from a range of tooth whitening options that include:

  • Professionally applied bleaching – performed in the dental office
  • Dentist-prescribed treatment – a custom-made whitening kit for home use
  • Over-the-counter treatments – using consumer products purchased at a store without a prescription, such as toothpastes, rinses, gels, and so on

In-office professional teeth whitening

During your first appointment for professional teeth cleaning, your dentist will examine your teeth carefully, review your oral health history, and then determine whether bleaching is right for you. As with any other treatment, your teeth whitening procedure must be customized to your unique needs.

With in office tooth whitening, the dentist applies a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide (bleach) to the surface of your teeth using trays that fit snugly around your top and bottom teeth. It’s important to note that teeth whitening is a gradual process that usually takes at least two weeks. So after the in-office treatment, our team member will give you some hydrogen peroxide gel and custom-made trays to continue your treatment at home for a specific period of time to maximize the teeth bleaching results.

For faster results, your dentist may recommend laser bleaching. This approach involves applying a bleaching product to the teeth, and then shining a laser on the teeth to activate the bleach and speed up the whitening process. This technology can make your teeth several shades lighter.

Visit your dentist today

Keep in mind that there’s no “one size fits all” when it comes to teeth whitening. Your treatment must be tailored to your needs. Please visit your dentist today to discuss your teeth whitening goals and smile concerns in order to design a plan that suits your needs.

Types of Professional Teeth Whitening Options, Litchfield MN

People can tell a lot from the shade of your teeth, including your age, state of oral health, and even your good and bad habits. And since everyone wants to look young and well groomed, teeth whitening has become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in dentistry.

Advancements in teeth cleaning technologies have made the treatment more comfortable, predictable, long-lasting, and affordable for all people. Although there are many effective ways to whiten your teeth, they vary depending on the treatment time and frequency, type of stain that can be removed, and the level of whitening that can be achieved.

Some of the teeth whitening options available include:

Professionally applied bleaching:

With in office tooth whitening, the dentist applies a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide (bleach) to the surface of your teeth using trays that fit snugly around your top and bottom teeth. After the in-office treatment, your dentist may give you some hydrogen peroxide gel and custom-made trays to continue your treatment at home for a specific period of time to maximize the teeth bleaching results

Dentist-prescribed treatment:

Your dentist will give you a custom-made whitening kit for home use. This kit includes custom-made trays and some hydrogen peroxide gel. Teeth whitening at home is a gradual process that usually takes at least two weeks.

Which is the best option?

It’s best to consult a dentist for a thorough examination of your teeth so your treatment can be tailored to your unique needs. During your first appointment for professional teeth cleaning, your dentist will examine your teeth carefully, review your oral health history, and then determine whether bleaching is right for you. Please visit your dentist today to discuss your teeth whitening goals and smile concerns. 

Litchfield Dental Dental Offer

6 Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles is a short term orthodontic treatment that involves wearing clear braces to straighten and improve tooth alignment. This alternative treatment is a convenient approach to a straighter smile without the time commitment.

Learn more