qualified family dentist

Dental Crowns Cost | Litchfield MN

Although fillings and crowns seem to treat similar kinds of tooth damage – chips and fractures – dental crowns provide a stronger and more durable restoration. Crowns also help to strengthen severely weakened teeth that may otherwise need to be extracted, which makes the dental crowns cost more expensive compared to dental fillings. 

Here are some reasons for the popularity of dental crowns:

  • Can be used to treat a wide range of problems – Fillings can be successfully used to repair minor tooth damage. However, large fillings tend to be unstable, requiring the support of a dental crown. Rather than get a quick filling that won’t last very long, you can choose dental crowns 
  • Cosmetic dental treatment to improve your smile – Tooth-colored crowns, also referred to as white fillings, have become increasingly popular because they blend in with your natural teeth and make the repair unnoticeable, producing an even, white smile. 
  • Strong and durable materials – There are many different materials that can be used for dental fillings to provide a strong and durable restoration for your molars. 

Dental crowns give you value for your money, even if you spend a little more than fillings. However, the procedure should be done by a skilled and experienced dentist. So when considering the cost of dental crowns, it’s best that you don’t simply choose the least expensive dentist without fully understanding the reasons for the low-cost treatment. 

The cost of getting a crown varies depending on the material used and the amount of tooth preparation needed before placement. Naturally, a severely damaged or infected tooth that requires a core build-up will increase the overall cost of the procedure. You don’t necessarily have to pay the total cost of treatment out-of-pocket. Many insurance providers cover about 50% of the cost, though this also depends on your type of insurance and the specifics of your case. 

To find out the actual cost of your crown placement procedure, please schedule an appointment with your Litchfield dentist today.